Reporting Form

Hispanic Physicians IPA (HPIPA) Anti-fraud Program
Health care fraud costs the United States billions of dollars each year and affects everyone. HPIPA anti-fraud program serves to prevent, detect and correct instances of fraud and abuse, thereby reducing costs to HPIPA, providers, members and others caused by fraudulent activities. The program is also designed to protect consumers in the delivery of health care services through the timely detection, investigation, and prosecution of suspected fraud and abuse in accordance with state and federal laws.

What is Fraud and Abuse?
Health care fraud is a criminal act of knowingly and intentionally submitting, or causing someone else to submit, false or misleading information to obtain money or any other health care benefit. Health care abuse is a similar activity or behavior that involves payment for items or services when there isn’t a legal right to that payment. However, abuse does not require that the person have intent or knowledge.
Some examples of fraud and abuse include:
• A provider billing for services or items that were not provided
• A provider falsifying medical records
• A provider paying a member to obtain care or services
• A member allowing someone else to use their health plan ID card
• Identity theft

Reporting Suspected Fraud and Abuse
You can report suspected fraud and abuse to HPIPA using any of the following methods. Note: you may remain anonymous regardless of the reporting method used.

Anonymous Confidential Message Line: 213-637-0933
Telephone: 213-637-0933
Fax:  213-355-8721
Email: sananthan@lacmg.com
Mail:  Hispanic Physicians IPA 2208 W 7th St, Los Angeles, CA 9005

If you are submitting your report by mail, fax, or email, please complete the attached form or include the following information in your report:

• When and where the suspected fraud occurred
• When and how the suspected fraud was discovered
• Description of the incident or suspected fraud
• Persons or entities engaged in the suspected fraud or who have attempted to conceal the issue


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